This Is How to Build an Email List From Scratch

This Is How to Build an Email List From Scratch

The basis of any email marketing campaign is a strong email list. Learn how to build an email list from scratch in this guide.

Are you looking to boost your marketing reach?

Building an email list is a great way to connect with customers. From there, you can start to develop a loyal customer base to engage with who wants to engage with you. But when you're starting, building that list can seem daunting. You might not know how to start one from scratch.

Don't worry, we can help! Keep reading for our guide on how to build an email list today.

1. Pick Your Email Marketing Platform

Before you can build your list you need an email marketing platform. When you're starting, Gmail or Outlook will be able to handle your basic needs. But as your list grows and needs more tending, you want to upgrade to an email marketing tool.

This will let you manage your list with efficiency, send out automated emails, and more. By choosing a platform at the start, this will save you time when building your list. It also means you can reap the rewards of email marketing's full potential straight away.

2. Give People a Reason to Sign Up

When it comes to how to build an email list from scratch, you need to give people a reason to give out their email. Natural behaviour is that customers won't give you their email address for nothing in return.

One of the best ways to get those coveted email addresses is by making a lead magnet. This content gives them something they want but can only access with their email address. Here are some ideas:

  • PDF of a case study or blog
  • Free eBook
  • Webinar sign up
  • Coupons
  • Worksheets, mood boards or templates
  • Free online course or email series

All the above provide a reason for the user to give up their email address. You'll need to do your target market research to see which lead magnets will get the best results for you. In most cases, it'll be a combination.

3. Make Use of CTAs

Another one of the best email list strategies is to use CTAs to your advantage. There aren't many people who will look for where they can sign up to your mailing list. You need to give them ways to do it within your web page and other content.

This is why content marketing is important. Not only are you providing great content to boost your authority you can boost your email lists too.

For example, say you created a beginner's guide on how to change the clean your washing machine. It's got huge amounts of traffic and your users love it. A CTA in that piece like “Get our full Guide on washing machine maintenance tips” encourages them to sign up to your email list.

It's giving them some more information that's useful to them and feels more organic. It doesn't feel as though you're forcing your newsletter on them. Instead, it feels more exclusive like a reward.

4. Have a Landing Page With High Conversions

Another of the best tips for building an email list is using more than your homepage alone. You need at least one landing page you've liked to your online ads (Facebook Ads, LinkedIn, Google etc.)

Think of when you're offering a limited-time offer, a sale or a free-shipping event. It's better to have users land on a direct page for that event, rather than them getting lost on your main website.

A high-converting landing page will have:

  • A strong headline that makes clear what the user is getting
  • Engaging copy that draws them in and piques their interest
  • Powerful use of images and graphics to drive home that point

The message should be clear. The best way to get users where you want them and to complete the desired action is to make it easy. Provide a seamless experience that doesn't feel like a chore.

5. Use Your Social Media Accounts

This is another of the best email marketing tips as social media can help boost your email list right away. One easy way to make use of it is by including a sign-up button or an opt-in form on your social media page. This is an easy, small change that can see results right away.

You can also run a social media campaign that focuses on getting users to sign up for a newsletter. With the reach that social media provides, your content could get shared across the globe. All you need to do is provide great content.

6. Get in Touch With Personal Contacts

Another tip for starting an email list is getting in touch with personal contacts. There are likely a few people in your contacts who'd want to sign up for content you have to offer.

Send out an email to let them know you're building an email list. In that email, let them know what they'll get in return and why it would benefit them to sign up.

Also, encourage them to spread the news and share it with their contact lists. You can do this with a user base that you have for a product or service. Reach out to people promoting your email list. This could see the biggest returns and the most new contacts for your list.

How to Build an Email List Made Easy

When it comes to how to build an email list, remember that it won't happen right away. But, by using these tips above, you can reduce the time it takes to build up a solid list that's providing leads.

Some methods will work better than others, and you'll need a degree of trial error. This is where your market research comes in. It helps you identify what your audience responds to the best.

Our last piece of advice is the time it takes to build your list isn't important. It's how effective your lead generation strategy is, and how well you hang onto those leads, making them repeat customers.

If you're looking to jumpstart your online marketing strategy, schedule a call today. At Jumpworks, we're here to work with your business and create a marketing strategy that works for you.

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